About Us

Saccadous was founded in 2014 on the hypothesis that eye movements of people with neurological disorders differ from healthy age-matched controls. Additionally, eye movements of people with the same neurological condition will show distinct patterns that can be used to diagnose, track progression, and advance treatment options.

During visual fixation, the eyes are never completely still, but produce small involuntary movements, called “fixational eye movements,” including microsaccades, drift, and tremor.  The research and intellectual property we have licensed has proven that microsaccade attributes such as magnitudes, velocities, durations, and intervals, when compared, show patterns that can be used to identify and differentiate subjects.

The Saccadous solution is mobile, cloud-based, non-invasive, and relatively inexpensive.  Our technology adds involuntary eye movements as a new evidence-based data source which directly aligns with an aggressive and on ongoing Healthcare and Life Sciences transformation – the digital age in which mobile technologies, sensors, and advances in analytics make it possible to capture and decipher vast amounts of information.